Fitness-Success: The Road is not easy

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Road is not easy

There's been many sources that have said it's not easy to achieve success. A few weeks ago Donald Trump was on the Tyra Banks show and when someone ask him what would it take to be successful at running a business he didn't say go to school, or connections, or anything like that as his initial response. In fact he said something that I could end this blog on right now and that's

If you're trying to lose weight, chances are it's not the first time. In fact it might be the 20th time that you're trying and if that is the case let me tell you right now, NEVER GIVE UP. Take total appreciation in the fact that first you acknowledge that your weight is an issue, and that you're seeking resources to change yourself.

I commend you for that and I'm dedicated to providing you the necessary tools to do just that.
Believe in yourself, no matter how hard the road is and focus on the joy you'll receive as you take small steps towards your ultimate goal.

In order to really be success you must keep pushing even on the days you feel like there's nothing left. Your health is not something to play with and I'm not talking about just physical health either. Your health is something that's very serious mentally as well. If you're a person with low self-esteem, low confidence, mentally you're not well. Your mind is not at ease.

But that does not have to be the case anymore. You control what you think, and you control the feelings you feel. It's important to really understand that you control your destiny and it's up to you to create the future you ultimately want.

The mindset you carry can be two ways.

1- You can think that you can accomplish all things just as long as you truly believe that you can.


2- You can doubt yourself and never achieve what you want.

The option is yours today to make. What will your decision be?


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