Fitness-Success: January 2007

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Are You Acting on Your Dreams...

Today is here...
Did you do anything to reach towards your goal?

There's an interesting note that I read from UK's best trainer Dax Moy which explained the difference between the haves and haves not and that was simply those who take ACTION
are the one who have what they want and those who just sit back waiting for things to drop out of the sky fail to ever accomplish something with themselves.

So today did you take any action to bring yourself closer to your goal?

  • Are you eating better?
  • Did you skip the sugar filled coffee for some green tea?
  • Did you take the stairs instead of the escalator today?

Send me an e-mail and let me know what you're doing or just post below your comments.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Are you living to the fullest?

As the date draws near and the website is being posted I wanted to leave you all with something I just read.

People always sell themselves short. We are always limiting what we are capable of doing before we even TRY.

This is not how life was meant to be. Reading my daily bread as I've recently started doing every morning it says something that I needed to share with you and I'll tied it in to your body and how you should feel after reading this.

In John 10:10 it says "I have come that they may have life and that they may have it abundantly"

Now no matter what you believe in, the takeaway point here you should not just go through life existing. It's important that you truly live and make the most of your life and truly enjoy every single moment.

Tomorrow is not promised to you so make the most of today. Get in shape now so you can ensure yourself a better tomorrow when and if it comes. You have the power to decide right now what you will ultimately look like and you have the power to live a life filled with health and abundance, so live it!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Coming up....

Real soon you will have in your hands the solution to help transform your body to heights that you've only imagined until now.

After years of reading stories that have transformed the lives of people, it's only fitting that YOU become that next fitness success story out there.

Stayed tuned for more details....